8 │ SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Distance learning in basic and upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic 46 8 SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING The implementation of distance learning presupposed the transformation of traditionally conceived learning in at least two areas. The first concerns the mastering of digital technologies and the specifics of online distance learning, and the second the consistent use of effective approaches to pupil learning. A prerequisite for good synchronous learning is to ensure a secure online environment. In almost all online lessons visited, it was ensured that no one other than the pupils and the teachers could join (most in secondary general school lessons – 100% – and least in basic school lessons – 97%). Similarly, in most lessons, good transmission of the teacher’s sound was ensured during synchronous learning. What was more problematic in some lessons was the use of standard login names for pupils, especially when cameras are not used in learning. The weakest aspect of the technical mastering of teaching was the relatively high occurrence of technical problems on the part of both pupils and teachers. CHART 23 | Frequency of the signs of mastering digital technologies in synchronous learning Overall, it is clear from the above that most teachers mastered digital technologies to be able to implement online synchronous learning at least at a basic level. In the schools whose teachers already had more developed digital competences in the spring of last year and used digital technologies for distance learning more, the aforementioned signs occurred in the lessons in a slightly higher frequency (around 5%) compared to the schools that were the least developed. This confirms a certain importance for schools to be ahead in digitising learning, which was mentioned in the Czech School Inspectorate’s thematic report reflecting on the period of distance learning in the spring of 2020, but also a high level of reaching the level of other schools in the context of the long period of online distance learning. The approach to digital technologies is well-illustrated by the following opinion of one of the teachers. We have excellent application tools – Edupage and MS Teams. Our school is well equipped and I have improved a lot in using these applications. One of the specifics of distance learning is the need for functional interconnection of synchronous and asynchronous learning and the support for social contacts, which are limited during the pandemic. When assessing distance learning in the spring of 2020, more than half of the pupils stated that what they missed the most was meeting their classmates. It is therefore clear that the longer distance learning lasts, the greater the pupils’ need to meet their classmates and the higher the proportion of the pupils for whom the absence of social contacts is one of the biggest disadvantages of distance learning. The observed online learning shows an effort to interconnect synchronous and asynchronous learning, although to a much lesser extent than would be desirable. A negative finding in the context of the above is the very low occurrence of lessons that would purposefully support the social contact and mental well-being of pupils, at least to the extent that is possible remotely. Due to the aforementioned absence of the possibility to meet classmates, the small space devoted in lessons to support social contact and mental well-being of pupils is truly alarming. It indicates setting back pupils’ interests and their development in favour of covering the educational content, which is an approach that is understandable from a certain point of view, but certainly not suitable given the very long period of distance learning. The proportion of lessons with purposeful support for pupils’ social contact and mental well-being should be 0 % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 10 %20 %30 %40 %50 %60 %70 %80 %90 %100 %Zvuk od učitele byl kvalitní.Bylo zřejmé, kdo jsoujednotliví účastníci.Pravidla on-line komunikacebyla nastavena a žákům zřejmá.Výuka nebyla narušovánazásadními technickými problémy.1. stupeň ZŠ2. stupeň ZŠobor gymnáziummaturitní oborynematuritní obory0% Learning was not disrupted by major technical problems. The rules of online communication were set and were clear to pupils. It was clear who the individual participants were. The sound from the teacher was good. 1st stage of BS 2nd stage of BS sec. gen. school field Maturita fields non-Maturita fields