5 │ USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN DISTANCE LEARNING Distance learning in basic and upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic 33 In contrast to the situation from the spring of 2020, when a single school platform was only used by about 50% of schools, the same video conferencing system was recorded in all observed lessons in up to 90% of the schools. Such a shift must definitely be assessed as positive. CHART 15 | Video conferencing systems used in observed online synchronous learning Among other video conferencing systems, Skype appeared most frequently in basic schools and Discord in upper secondary schools. The systems that rarely appeared at the 1st stage of basic schools included WhatsApp, and in secondary technical schools even Facebook Messenger. The specific situation at the 1st stage of basic schools, with pupils who have mostly not yet been taught ICT and have had to learn everything gradually, is characterised by a high level of difficulty for teachers, pupils and their parents. However, most of these pupils now manage everything at an acceptable level, although often thanks to the significant initial or ongoing help of their parents. There has been a significant improvement in the pupils’ digital skills in the class. Initially, more pupils had problems, but now there are no problems in learning. There has been a positive shift in the use of digital technologies by the pupils in the class (they manage to take a picture, of a worksheet or a page in their workbook with their mobile phone, send it, etc.). Initially, the pupils at the 1st stage of basic school had problems, but gradually there has been a great improvement. Teachers often had to provide support to parents until their children acquired the necessary skills. Pupils have managed everything. At the beginning, the principal and I went to the families and also taught the parents. Initially, the cooperation of parents was necessary (especially in handing in assignments). Now pupils manage everything without any problems. The importance of the active approach of the school management is well illustrated by the following situation. Since the spring, the school has made a change in mutual communication – it now only uses Zoom and provides online consultations with teachers. Based on the interest (for example, problems in the family), the school provided equipment to the pupils, as well as “prepaid cards” (part of which was purchased with the assistance of the statutory authority). The school management responded to the interest of the legal representatives, also providing training for them to become acquainted with how to work with the school system. The use of digital technologies for online distance learning has changed significantly over the past year. On the one hand, the overall digital equipment has improved significantly, but the platforms and video conferencing tools used have also changed, including their unification at the level of the school and individual teachers. Similarly, teachers’ digital competences have significantly increased; their intensive development was already shown by information from the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year. 60%49%65%53%50%32%40%34%43%39%0 %10 %20 %30 %40 %50 %60 %70 %80 %90 %100 %nematuritní oborymaturitní oboryobor gymnázium2. stupeň ZŠ1. stupeň ZŠ Microsoft TeamsGoogle MeetZoomJitsi MeetCisco WebexAdobe Connect0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1st stage of BS2nd stage of BS secondary general school field Maturita fields non-Maturita fields