Distance learning in basic and upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic 19/22 On the contrary, a positive finding is the high level of creativity and commitment of school principals in ensuring the coordination of all teachers in the use of digital technologies, including regular training, finding the most effective ways to communicate with all participants and creating space for feedback from students and parents. At the latest after the end of the prohibition of the physical presence of pupils and their return to regular learning, it will be important to ensure the transfer of the positive experience of school principals and support for changes in management practices to other schools, including improvement of communication inside and outside the school. 8 Apps, platforms The use of applications, communication platforms and software in schools covered at least three areas. First of all, these were communication tools for holding meetings and ensuring communication with pupils or their parents. Secondly, it was technological support for distance learning, and finally, a specific software that was already used for teaching before the school closure (e.g. accounting programmes at economic schools, etc.). Given the wide range of opportunities of using different communication and learning platforms, which have their advantages and disadvantages for specific purposes, it was important for the quality of distance learning to ensure that pupils and teachers at least move from one environment to another. 8.1 Technological provision of communication The survey of the Czech School Inspectorate showed that most basic and upper secondary schools used digital technologies to conduct meetings. The most common platforms were Microsoft Teams, Skype and Google Meet or Google Hangouts. Other resources included e-mail and telephone, and less often WhatsApp, Zoom, and Messenger. Figure No. 9 Communication tools used to conduct meetings 0 %5 %10 %15 %20 %25 %30 %MicrosoftTeamsSkypeGoogleenvironmentE-mailTelephoneWhatsAppZoomMessengerISCED IISCED 2ISCED 3