Distance learning in basic and upper secondary schools in the Czech Republic 10/22 The high level of complexity of the organization of distance education is related to several facts. Above all, it is the specificity of the use of digital technologies, which weren´t used by many teachers before. Nevertheless, the use of technologies isn´t a major obstacle from the teachers' point of view; on the contrary, teachers are willing to use digital technologies to a high extent without further support. The second fact is represented by the increased demands associated with the need to think about the content of education, to look for suitable learning tasks, and also to individualize education with regard to different capacities of individual pupils. Transferring a regular lesson to an online environment is technically possible, but impractical in terms of didactics in comparison with some quality online teaching resources, which are usually less time-demanding and professionally prepared which helps keeping the students' attention. As for the frequency of using digital technologies even before the school closure, the technologies were used more often in upper secondary schools than in basic schools. The higher complexity of distance learning, which is reported in upper secondary schools, is therefore less related to the use of digital technologies, but demonstrates the higher demands on pedagogical and didactic skills of teachers in upper secondary schools and partly in the basic schools with lower secondary level. After the school reopening, it would be useful to reflect on these skills, which teachers had to apply in the new situation, and to use them for improving regular teaching. Figure No. 2 According to your estimate, how difficult for your teachers (on average) is providing distance education compared to the standard education at school (consider time and mental demands)? 0 %10 %20 %30 %40 %50 %60 %70 %Much higherSomewhat higherEqualSomewhat lowerMuch lowerISCED IISCED 2ISCED 3