Complex System of Evaluation

The Czech School Inspectorate as a national authority on the field of evaluation and control of conditions, course and outcomes of education in schools and school facilities registered in the school register and evaluation of quality and effectiveness of education system as a whole, uses various methods, procedures and tools during its activities. Within the project National System for the Inspection Evaluation of the Educational System in the Czech Republic (NIQES) which was realized in years 2011 – 2015, the Czech School Inspectorate innovated many of these methods, procedures and tools and also developed some new tools and procedures which were not available until then. However, there are fields for which an adequate methodologic and tool portfolio is not available and at the same time several fields exist for which it is still desirable to further develop and accomplish the so far produced methods, procedures and tools.

On the 1st of February 2017 the Czech School Inspectorate launched the realization of an Individual system project called Complex system of Evaluation which is co-financed by the European Union through Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE) and the budget of the Czech Republic. The project will be realized within five years and its cost estimate 248.7 million CZK.

The outcome of the project realization will be interconnection of external and internal school evaluation (and selected school facilities) on every level, in other words on the level of evaluation of Czech education system where the external evaluation is performed through international surveys (especially PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS and TALIS, the realization of which in the Czech Republic is also a part of the project) and internal evaluation is in this context performed by the Czech School Inspectorate. On the level of school evaluation the external evaluation is arranged by the Czech School Inspectorate and by the school founder and internal evaluation is performed through self-evaluation tools. At the same time, methodology for the use of Quality School Model will be further elaborated as well as the linked criteria of evaluation of the conditions, course and outcomes of education. The methodology will include examples of inspirational practice in specific fields of real activities in Czech schools.

Furthermore, new methods, procedures and tools for evaluation of key competencies (in the NIQES project methods, procedures and tools for evaluation of course, development and reached level in selected literacies were developed) and tools for recognition and consideration the socio-economic and territory background on the level of pupil and school with the aim of monitoring equity in education and effective preventing inequalities. Also, tools for verification of educational outcomes and for correlation between socio-economic and territory influences with conditions, course and outcomes of education will be innovated.

The project takes into consideration the realization of consistent data and information analyse from all types of inspection activities (presence activity, electronical survey, national verifying of pupils outcomes, international surveys, etc.) and also from the project outcomes with the aim of offering qualitative interpretation from several point of views, based on multi and interdisciplinary approach in order to maximally interconnect the sources which enable the Czech School Inspectorate to provide complex view on evaluation of conditions, course and outcomes of education. Very important benefits will bring the relevant analytical reports based on information and data collected by the Czech School Inspectorate (with regard to other available and relevant data) which will be well usable on different levels of initial education for policy makers or e.g. for further research conducted by academic and science institutions.

New evaluation procedures, methods and tools will be systematically implemented into direct practice of individual segments of the education system in the Czech Republic. Also a consistent training of actors who will be working with the new methods, procedures and tools within the system.

The project will result in setting a of complex system through which the individual segments of initial education system will be able to carry out evaluation of quality and effectivity of education based on sophisticated methods, procedures and tools which will be synergistically linked to both national and international space while reflecting socio-economical aspects of education. At the same time, individual segments of the initial education system will have at their disposal very detailed and multidisciplinary analyses of inspection data on education. The data may be used for the adopting of effective education policies. Another result will be the sharing of view on quality and effectivity in education across the segment of regional education. The outputs of the projects (methodologies, sets of evaluation tools, test tasks, analytical reports, national reports on pupils´ achievements, e-learning courses, methodology handbooks and publications, a map of school social-economy conditions, etc.) will be at disposal of the Czech School Inspectorate and other actors in initial education – the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and its departmental organisations, schools and school facilities, teachers and founders. Using these outputs by all relevant actors in initial education will be enable to perform evaluation of quality and effectivity of education in an innovated and more complex way with the use of shared methods, approaches and tools. In this way the unification of the insight on education quality will be supported.

An output of the project will be also the synergic interconnection of further individual systemic projects with the aim of maximizing the use of individual outputs within their complementary perception.

The project is carried out through own expert teams that also include experts on broad scale of topics in the academic sector, non-profit sector, schools and school facilities. The experts come both form the Czech School Inspectorate and from other institutions.

The project will be fully aligned with the Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic until 2020, with content and conception of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, with Long Term Objectives of Education and Development of Education System in the Czech Republic for the Time Period 2015 – 2020, with the Strategy of Life Long Learning in the Czech Republic and with recommendations from international organisations. The projects reflects long term recommendations and views of the academic sector as well.

Contact person: Ing. Miroslava Debnárová, MPA, project manager 