The first meeting of the national project managers of the key international research PISA 2018 took place in 14 – 18 March 2016 in Prague. The meeting was organized and hosted in cooperation of CSI and OECD. Participants from 81 countries from all over the world were present on the meeting.
The meeting of national project managers was introduced by the Deputy Chief School Inspector Ondřej Andrys who emphasized the role of international research as an important part of the Czech School Inspectorate´s activity. The international research´s outcomes are crucial for complex reports about the state of the Czech education, furthermore the outcomes are unique completion of information which the CSI analyses and acquires, they collect long term trends of the Czech education and provide important international comparison among the efficiency of school systems within OECD countries and other participating countries. Published analysis based on international researches data are intended mainly for policy makers, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, schools, universities, school associations, non-profit sector and other stakeholders in education.
Besides the programme PISA the CSI arranges also international researches PIRLS, TIMSS, TALIS. Further information about PISA is available on the OECD web pages (